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6 revisions | California State Library at May 13, 2024 09:00 PM cam_MarkDManlove_B017_F013_003B- 2 - We traveled about thirty-three and a third miles a day, two hundred The stock lived on grass as we had no feed for them. The next station we came to was Fort Laramie [Wyoming]. It was five hundred While we had our wagon there was a bunch of soldiers traveling The next place was Fort Goodyear. There was nothing there except Then we went up Sweet Water [Sweetwater River] and saw what is called Devil's Gate, We came to Green river [River] where we swam the mules. It was very full cam_MarkDManlove_B017_F013_003B-2- We traveled about thirty-three and a third miles a day, two hundred The stock lived on grass as we had no feed for them. The next station we came to was Fort Laramie. It was five hundred While we had our wagon there was a bunch of soldiers traveling The next place was Fort Goodyear. There was nothing there except Then we went up Sweet Water and saw what is called Devil's Gate, We came to Green river where we swam the mules. It was very full |