(seq. 2)


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Ming at Jun 28, 2024 12:54 PM

(seq. 2)

ab omni Superstitone reformata, ab omni modis immunditiis atq{ue} sordibus purgata [sit], non ceco nescio qua sufflatu Phrenitico [Fumefcars?] sed qualis Christi- ani Hominis spiritum decet, sobria, casta, Sanctae, vere apostolica vere christiana. Religio coelesti suo satellitio fide, spe atq{ue} charitate (quo trium eft maxima) semper comitata : Charitate Bonis operibus semper gaudet semper abundat. Quo inter reliquas Religionis Christianae gratias nitet, velut inter ignes Luna minores. Sine qua ut Apostolus ille Gentium prodicat, vel Hominum, vel Angelorum linguae [Iranes?] edunt strepitus, vana Cymbali [Firtinnabula?], sine qua, ut prodicat. coram Deo- nihili valet charitate Inquam quo Homines quae Angelos que Deum Opt. Max. letificat. quae terras atq{ue} Ceolos Beat. Charitate deniq{ue} illa quae cum spes cessaverit. Cum fides ipsa evanescit et prorsus nullo fuerit, sola a tribus superstes per infinita seculorum secula immortali [aevo?] sempiterne orgebit. Sed quo me Harvardiani Nota haec precesq{ue} pro salute vestra sapiunt. Reprimi me tandem et quod reliquum eft si quod unquam commodi vel opibus, vel amicis, vel consiliis Harvardianae Societati afferre potero, hoc me lubentissime factiorum fore Spondeo [et] faciendo me satis superq{ue} feliciem Existimabo {Governor} Shirleys Oration at College

ab omni Superstitone reformata, ab omni modis immunditiis atq{ue}
sordibus purgata [sit], non ceco nescio qua sufflatu Phrenitico [Fumefcars?]
sed qualis Christi-
ani Hominis spiritum decet, sobria, casta, Sanctae, vere apostolica
vere christiana. Religio coelesti suo satellitio fide, spe atq{ue} charitate
(quo trium eft maxima) semper comitata : Charitate

Bonis operibus semper gaudet semper abundat. Quo
inter reliquas Religionis Christianae gratias nitet, velut inter ignes
Luna minores. Sine qua ut Apostolus ille Gentium prodicat, vel
Hominum, vel Angelorum linguae [Iranes?] edunt strepitus,
vana Cymbali [Firtinnabula?], sine qua, ut prodicat.

coram Deo-
nihili valet charitate Inquam quo Homines quae Angelos que
Deum Opt. Max. letificat. quae terras atq{ue} Ceolos Beat. Charitate
deniq{ue} illa quae cum spes cessaverit. Cum fides ipsa evanescit et
prorsus nullo fuerit, sola a tribus superstes per infinita
seculorum secula immortali [aevo?] sempiterne orgebit.

Sed quo me Harvardiani Nota haec precesq{ue} pro salute
vestra sapiunt. Reprimi me tandem et quod reliquum eft
si quod unquam commodi vel opibus, vel amicis, vel consiliis
Harvardianae Societati afferre potero, hoc me lubentissime
factiorum fore Spondeo [et] faciendo me satis superq{ue} feliciem

{Governor} Shirleys Oration
at College


not by some blind, frenzied inspiration I don't know of, but [in the manner] as is fitting of the spirit of a Christian Person, sober, chaste, Sacred, truly apostolic, truly Christian. Religion, always accompanied with its heavenly attendent: faith, hope, and charity (which is the greatest of the three): by charity religion always delights and abounds in good works. Charity shines among the other virtues of the Christian Religion, just as the Moon among the lesser fires. Without which, as that Apostle of the Gentiles proclaims, the tongues of either Men or Angels produce angry noises, empty [Firtinnabula?] cymbals, without which, [it would be] as what he proclaims. Before God--nothing is worth as much as charity, I say, which delights both Men and Angels and the Most High God. Charity Blesses the earth and Heaven. Finally, that charity, when hope ceases, when faith itself vanishes and is entirely gone, surviving alone from the three, will survive through infinite ages of ages, immortal forever through eternity.

not by some blind, frenzied inspiration I don't know of, but [in the manner] as is fitting of the spirit of a Christian Person, sober, chaste, Sacred, truly apostolic, truly Christian. Religion, always accompanied with its heavenly attendent: faith, hope, and charity (which is the greatest of the three): by charity religion always delights and abounds in good works. Charity shines among the other virtues of the Christian Religion, just as the Moon among the lesser fires. Without which, as that Apostle of the Gentiles proclaims, the tongues of either Men or Angels produce angry noises, empty [Firtinnabula?] cymbals, without which, [it would be] as what he proclaims.

Before God--nothing is worth as much as charity, I say, which delights both Men and Angels and the Most High God. Charity Blesses the earth and Heaven. Finally, that charity, when hope ceases, when faith itself vanishes and is entirely gone, surviving alone from the three, will survive through infinite ages of ages, immortal forever through eternity.

(seq. 2)

ab omni Superstitone reformata, ab omni modis immunditiis atq{ue} sordibus purgata [sit], non ceco nescio qua sufflatu Phrenitico [Fumefcars?] sed qualis Christi- ani Hominis spiritum decet, sobria, casta, Sanctae, vere apostolica vere christiana. Religio coelesti suo satellitio fide, spe atq{ue} charitate (quo trium eft maxima) semper comitata : Charitate Bonis operibus semper gaudet semper abundat. Quo inter reliquas Religionis Christianae gratias nitet, velut inter ignes Luna minores. Sine qua ut Apostolus ille Gentium prodicat, vel Hominum, vel Angelorum linguae [Iranes?] edunt strepitus, vana Cymbali [Firtinnabula?], sine qua, ut prodicat. coram Deo- nihili valet charitate Inquam quo Homines quae Angelos que Deum Opt. Max. letificat. quae terras atq{ue} Ceolos Beat. Charitate deniq{ue} illa quae cum spes cessaverit. Cum fides ipsa evanescit et prorsus nullo fuerit, sola a tribus superstes per infinita seculorum secula immortali [aevo?] sempiterne orgebit. Sed quo me Harvardiani Nota haec precesq{ue} pro salute vestra sapiunt. Reprimi me tandem et quod reliquum eft si quod unquam commodi vel opibus, vel amicis, vel consiliis Harvardianae Societati afferre potero, hoc me lubentissime factiorum fore Spondeo [et] faciendo me satis superq{ue} feliciem Existimabo {Governor} Shirleys Oration at College

ab omni Superstitone reformata, ab omni modis immunditiis atq{ue}
sordibus purgata [sit], non ceco nescio qua sufflatu Phrenitico [Fumefcars?]
sed qualis Christi-
ani Hominis spiritum decet, sobria, casta, Sanctae, vere apostolica
vere christiana. Religio coelesti suo satellitio fide, spe atq{ue} charitate
(quo trium eft maxima) semper comitata : Charitate

Bonis operibus semper gaudet semper abundat. Quo
inter reliquas Religionis Christianae gratias nitet, velut inter ignes
Luna minores. Sine qua ut Apostolus ille Gentium prodicat, vel
Hominum, vel Angelorum linguae [Iranes?] edunt strepitus,
vana Cymbali [Firtinnabula?], sine qua, ut prodicat.

coram Deo-
nihili valet charitate Inquam quo Homines quae Angelos que
Deum Opt. Max. letificat. quae terras atq{ue} Ceolos Beat. Charitate
deniq{ue} illa quae cum spes cessaverit. Cum fides ipsa evanescit et
prorsus nullo fuerit, sola a tribus superstes per infinita
seculorum secula immortali [aevo?] sempiterne orgebit.

Sed quo me Harvardiani Nota haec precesq{ue} pro salute
vestra sapiunt. Reprimi me tandem et quod reliquum eft
si quod unquam commodi vel opibus, vel amicis, vel consiliis
Harvardianae Societati afferre potero, hoc me lubentissime
factiorum fore Spondeo [et] faciendo me satis superq{ue} feliciem

{Governor} Shirleys Oration
at College


not by some blind, frenzied inspiration I don't know of, but [in the manner] as is fitting of the spirit of a Christian Person, sober, chaste, Sacred, truly apostolic, truly Christian. Religion, always accompanied with its heavenly attendent: faith, hope, and charity (which is the greatest of the three): by charity religion always delights and abounds in good works. Charity shines among the other virtues of the Christian Religion, just as the Moon among the lesser fires. Without which, as that Apostle of the Gentiles proclaims, the tongues of either of Men or of Angels produce noises,

not by some blind, frenzied inspiration I don't know of, but [in the manner] as is fitting of the spirit of a Christian Person, sober, chaste, Sacred, truly apostolic, truly Christian. Religion, always accompanied with its heavenly attendent: faith, hope, and charity (which is the greatest of the three): by charity religion always delights and abounds in good works. Charity shines among the other virtues of the Christian Religion, just as the Moon among the lesser fires. Without which, as that Apostle of the Gentiles proclaims, the tongues of either of Men or of Angels produce noises,