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StephanieJoWebb at Feb 14, 2021 09:58 PM


657 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Committee Reports The Comtee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds make the following report on the Claim of [[James McNaught]] for damages on a/c of [[Main Street]] Grade. Seattle W T July 3rd 1885 "To the Hon Mayor & Common Council of Seattle Your judiciary Committee have investigated the within claim and report the same back with the recommendation that the same be allowed in the sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty one & 62/100 Dollars in Condition that Mr [[McNaught]] will pay the full amount of principle and interest of all special assessments for street improvements upon property owned by him at date of the assessments. [[Walter Graham]] [[Wm A Harrington]] [[Alfred Snyder]] Ordered that said report be & is hereby adopted From Gas Committee recommending a gas lamp for the corner of [[Spring & 3rd Street]]. Adopted Applications for Licenses Referred [[Schoepp & Greeninger]], [[Oscar A Kraus]], [[Lewis Sliver]], [[A E Wayne]], [[James Murphy]], [[Peters & Lunn]], [[Shaw & Alger]], [[H Kersey]], [[Wolters & Co]], [[Bersch & Hink]], [[O P Dahlquist]], [[Wm Grose]] & [[Grubb & Johnson]] Licenses Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issued as follows: [[Thos Clancy]] for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 16 1885 [[James Miles]] for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 15 [[John McCary]] for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 15 [[Abraham Brugger]] for malt liquors for 3 mos from July 4 [[E J Powers and Co]] for retail intoxicating liquors for 6 mos from March 18 [[Joseph Francisco]] for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 7 [[Chas G Steinwig]] for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 3 [[L V Schnyder]] for malt liquors for 3 mos from July 4 [[Thomas & Morgan]] for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 11 [[Bittner & Theiler]] for malt liquors for 3 mos from July 16

Committee Reports
The Comtee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds make
the following report on the Claim of James McNaught
for damages on a/c of Main Street Grade.
Seattle W T July 3rd 1885
"To the Hon Mayor & Common Council of Seattle
Your judiciary Committee have investigated the within
claim and report the same back with the recommendation
that the same be allowed in the sum of Eight Hundred and
Fifty one & 62/100 Dollars in Condition that Mr McNaught
will pay the full amount of principle and interest of all
special assessments for street improvements upon property
owned by him at date of the assessments.
Walter Graham
Wm A Harrington
Alfred Snyder
Ordered that said report be & is hereby adopted
From Gas Committee recommending a gas lamp for
the corner of Spring & 3rd Street. Adopted
Applications for Licenses Referred
Schoepp & Greeninger, Oscar A Kraus, Lewis Sliver, A E Wayne, James Murphy, Peters & Lunn, Shaw & Alger, H
, Wolters & Co, Bersch & Hink, O P Dahlquist, Wm Grose & Grubb & Johnson
Licenses Ordered Issued
Ordered that licenses be issued as follows:
Thos Clancy for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 16 1885
James Miles for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 15
John McCary for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 15
Abraham Brugger for malt liquors for 3 mos from July 4
E J Powers and Co for retail intoxicating liquors for 6 mos from March 18
Joseph Francisco for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 7
Chas G Steinwig for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 3
L V Schnyder for malt liquors for 3 mos from July 4
Thomas & Morgan for retail intoxicating liquors for 3 mos from July 11
Bittner & Theiler for malt liquors for 3 mos from July 16
