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3 revisions | StephanieJoWebb at Feb 14, 2021 10:24 PM SEACPM18850703_Page_36583JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE
The vote in granting said License stands as follows:
in favor of the same, [[Frye]], [[Harrington]], [[Rinehart]], [[Snyder]], [[Yesler]],
[[Crockett]] and [[Graham]]. Against the same none.
Claims paid
The following claims having been duly audited by the Council
are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in
the amounts following to wit:
City Fund
[[E S Osborne]] Clerk No 1165 125.
[[J D Lowman]] Treasurer 1166 150.
[[C H Hanford]] Attorney 1167 100.
[[J H Woolery]] Chief of Police 1168 150.
[[E A Gardner]] Policeman 1169 80.
[[Wm Murphy]] Policeman 1170 80.
[[Wm Pinckney]] Policeman 1171 80.
[[James Welch]] Policeman 1172 80.
[[F L Bangs]] Policeman 1173 80.
[[E W Melse]] SpecialPoliceman 1174 3.
[[Wm H Hughes]] Assessor 1175 62.50
[[G L Manning]] Street Commissioner 1176 91.
[[G A Hill]] Policeman 1177 14.70
[[Geo G Lyon]] Policeman 1178 2.80
[[James Bogart]] Janitor & Jailor 1179 60.
[[E A Gardner]] Printing 1180 43.20
[[E A Gardner]] Job work & Stationary 1181 65.95
[[E A Gardner]] Stationary 1182 4.
[[E A Gardner]] Line rentals 1183 6.65
[[W H Latimer]]Witness fee in Justice Court 1184 2.20
[[James Porter]] Witness fee in Justice Court 1185 2.20
[[L VanDoren]] Witness in City v Donahue 1186 2.20
[[Dr H M Hall]]Care of M McCarthy injured in Oriental Fire 1187 7.50
[[Wm H Fink]] Repairing Star 1188 1.50