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15 revisionsLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLCLaura K. Morreale LLC | Laura K. Morreale LLC at Feb 28, 2021 01:57 AM Roll 1B frontCe sont les chose lou conte de Neverz quil avoit au jor qu'il ala de vie a mort
Ces choses estoient en la main Robet et ⋅ cest a savoir premierement ⋅ viii boens emiaus ⋅
et ⋅ ii ⋅ saffirs et ⋅ i camahe ⋅ et xii ⋅ petiz eniaus dou Pui ⋅ ii ⋅ croisetes dor
une viez corroie dor a pelles ⋅ et i chapel dor a pierres et a pelles ⋅ De rechief une
corroie dor ⋅ ii bacins dargent a donner laigue ⋅ i henap dargent a pierres et a emaus,
que len cuidoit quil fust dor ⋅ Une cope d'argent doree cuvesclee ⋅ ii poz d'argent ⋅ ii petis henas
dargent a donner dragiée ⋅ i ⋅ orfroi a perles ⋅ et ⋅ ii ⋅ sanz perles ⋅ et iiii ⋅ cuillers dargent ⋅
?Par la main Odet le de Menat i ⋅ aiguier dor ⋅ et une cope cuvesclee dor ⋅ ii barriz dargent
i ⋅ pot dargent ⋅ i ⋅ aiguier dargent ⋅ xvii henas ⋅ dargent sanz pié
?Item par la main Afetie ⋅ xl escuelles dargent ⋅ et xii cuilliers d'argent
?It. ⋅ i ⋅ texu d'argent dore que Gararz livra qui estoit en larmeure
?It. par la main Robet ⋅ la toile qui fu achetee a Troies que Simons Ysanbars acheta, dont il i ot x pieces ⋅
⋅ x ⋅ pieces de toile de la toile la duchoise de Borgoinge ⋅ xxxvii ⋅ aunes de toile en un remenant
et xxv aunes en ii ⋅ autres remenanz ⋅ vii ⋅ paire de dras de lit nues ⋅ et ⋅ viii pairede dras linges
a vestir nues ⋅ xxxiiii grans napes ovrees a mangier nueves ⋅ et viii ⋅ xiinesde petites toailles a mains.
? De rechief ⋅ xxxvi granz napes nueuves que Afetiez livra ⋅ et vi toailles a mains nueves ⋅ et xxiiii napes viez
Item ⋅ xxix ⋅ cuevrechies ⋅ x ⋅ paire de petiz ganz ⋅ et ⋅ iii paire de ganz de cerf sangles
v ⋅ coutiaus ⋅ a tenchier ⋅ vi paier de chauces ⋅ nueves ⋅ unes hueses nueves ⋅ et iiii ⋅ paire de sollers ⋅
? It ⋅ x ⋅ verz et une tireteinne cameline ⋅ et ii raiez de Provins a maigniee ⋅ et ii remenanz dun autre roie
⋅ xv ⋅ aunes de saie noire ⋅ xiiii ⋅ pannes de gros vair et une de menu vair
⋅ xiiii ⋅ dras de atais ⋅ ii chameloz ⋅ iii boqueranz plainset i ovré ⋅ ii tapiz nues ovrez ⋅
⋅ ii ⋅ espreviers ⋅ a mettre sor lit ⋅ i ⋅ quarre et i ⋅ reont et ⋅ i drap qui remest de lesprevier ⋅
⋅ iiii paire despeons nueus ⋅ iiii quarriaus de soie ⋅ ii ⋅ sifflés ⋅ i bacin a rere ⋅ ii ⋅ coilles de bievre
une langue de serpent ⋅ une fiolete de baume ⋅ celle fu mise au euvre ⋅
Item ⋅ une coute pointe de cendel vermoill ⋅ et ⋅ i ⋅ ceurcot noir ⋅
? Item ⋅ cest de larmeure ⋅ ii ⋅ paires de cuiraces nueves ⋅ viii frains nues ⋅ et i mors de fain
viii ⋅ paire d'esperons nues ⋅ xi varengles nueuves ⋅ iiii cotes a armer et iii barnieres ⋅
⋅ ii ⋅ coutiaus ⋅ et iiii fers de glaive ⋅ ii ⋅ fracoires nueves ⋅ ii testieres a cheval et ⋅ i ⋅ piciere ⋅
et une paire de cuissiaus et de trumelieres de fer ⋅ i bacinnet a gorgiere de fer ⋅ i ⋅ ganbaison
unes couvertures blanches ⋅ i ⋅ petit ganbaison sanz manches ⋅ ii piaus blanches ⋅ une paire de coffres
une grant gorgiere de fer ⋅ une male de cur et ii ⋅ paire de bouges ⋅ i bahu et ⋅ i bast
et de la Chambre ⋅ iiii paies de coffres ⋅ et ii cofiniaus à chandoile ⋅ iiii males ⋅ et iiii bahuz
et iiii ⋅ baz ⋅ Et de la Peneterie ⋅ ii ⋅ males ⋅ i ⋅ bahu ⋅ et i bast ⋅
?Item ⋅ une tante que li chastelains de Chastiaupelerin dona le conte
?Item de la Botellerie ⋅ xvii barriz de fust ⋅ et ii bouz de cur et ii ⋅ seillons ⋅
? de la cuisine ⋅ iii ⋅ grans poz de cuivre, et i petit ⋅ iii granz chaudieres ⋅ et iii ⋅ petites
ii ⋅ paelles ⋅ et ⋅ i ⋅ greill ⋅ iii ⋅ paelles de fer ⋅ et iii mortiers une paellette perciee et ii forchietes ⋅
? De la Marechaucie ⋅ li granz chevax grilles ⋅ et li chevax qui fu monsegnor Jaque Vidaut
et li grant palefroiz noirs ⋅ iii ⋅ bestes mulaces et ⋅ i ⋅ mulet ⋅ et i asne qui aportoit laigue
? La garnison de lostel ⋅ ou celier ⋅ xxxvi botes de vin
ou lardier ⋅ L ⋅ lez de char salee ⋅ et ixxx xv gelines et ⋅ i ⋅ mouton
es geniers ⋅ viixx ⋅ x muis de froment ⋅ et ⋅ CC muis dorge
?Les chose de la chapelle ⋅ premidrement le calice ⋅ une croisete ou il a de la veraie croix
le Saintuaire que li patiarches dona le conte ⋅ le messe et le breviaire ⋅ une chasuble viez
et aube et roichet ⋅ et ⋅ ii sorpeliz ⋅ et i ⋅ amit ⋅ i ⋅ drap dautel devant et darriere
estole et fenoul ⋅ v ⋅ toalles dautel dont lune tient au drap de lautel ⋅ devant une boiste divoire
ii toalles a mains ⋅ ii ⋅ chainètes dargent ⋅ le corporal et lestui ⋅ et ii ⋅ custodes parees ⋅
? Item ⋅ une chasuble neuve de drap dor ⋅ et tunique et daumatique ⋅ et ii chapes neuves ⋅ tot
de drap dor ⋅ et le drap de lautel devant et darrière ⋅ iii aubes ⋅ iii amiz ⋅ iii ⋅ roichez ⋅ ii sorpeliz
tot nuef ⋅ ii estoles ⋅ et iii fenouz nues
?Item ⋅ cest la robe viez ⋅ premierement ⋅ un ⋅ serecot de tieteinne cameline forré de gros vair.
?Item ⋅ cote et corset desclarlate poonnace forre de menu vair
? Item ⋅ cote et serecot et corset de tireteinne brune forre de menu vair ⋅ i ⋅ mantel de saie noire
de bievre ⋅ forré de menu vair ⋅ une cote et ii ⋅ serecoz et mantel de saie de bievre roige
forre de menu vair ⋅ i ⋅ corset de drap imde forre de menu vair ⋅ une garnaiche de saie
forre de gris ⋅ i ⋅ serecot de pers forre de loc cevière ⋅ i ⋅ corset de tyreteinne forre de gris ⋅
i ⋅ petit corset de camelot forre de gros vair ⋅ ii ⋅ serecoz de tireteinne et i ⋅ de vert sangles ⋅
⋅ i ⋅ corset de pers sangles ⋅ une garnaiche de pers sangle ⋅ cote et serecot et corset de tireteinne
perse forre de cendel vert ⋅ i ⋅ corset de camelot forre de cendel ⋅ vertcote et serecot et mantel
de camelot noir forre de cendel vermeil ⋅ cote et serecot de camelot imde forre de cendel noir ⋅
Ce sont les chose lou conte de Neverz quil avoit au jor qu'il ala de vie a mort ? de la cuisine ⋅ iii ⋅ grans poz de cuivre, et i petit ⋅ iii granz chaudieres ⋅ et iii ⋅ petites ? De la Marechaucie ⋅ li granz chevax grilles ⋅ et li chevax qui fu monsegnor Jaque Vidaut ? La garnison de lostel ⋅ ou celier ⋅ xxxvi botes de vin ?Les chose de la chapelle ⋅ premidrement le calice ⋅ une croisete ou il a de la veraie croix ?Item ⋅ cest la robe viez ⋅ premierement ⋅ un ⋅ serecot de tieteinne cameline forré de gros vair. TranslationThese are the Count of Never's things that he had
the day he went from life to death.
These things are in the hand of Robet; let it be known, first, 8 good enamels
and 2 sapphire, and 1 cameo and 12 small rings from Pui 2 small golden crosses,
one old gold belt with pearls, and 1 golden chapel set with stones and pearls.
On top of this, a golden belt, 2 silver basins to hold water, 1 silver goblet set with stones and enamels,
which was believed to be of gold, One silver cup, gilded and with a covering, 2 silver pots, two small silver goblets to serve sweets?, 1 gold-work plate with pearls, and two without pearls, and 4 silver
In the hand of Odet de Menat 1 golden pitcher and and golden cup with a covering, 2 containers of silver,
1 silver pot, 1 silver pitcher, 17 silver goblets without feet.
Likewise, in the hand of Afetie, 40 silver saucers and 12 silver spoons.
Likewise, one gilded silver box that Garaz delivered, which
was in the armory.
Likewise, from the hands of Robet, the cloth that was purchased in Troyes, that Simon Ysanbars bought, of which there are 10 pieces;
10 pieces of linen cloth, from the linen cloth of the duchesses of Burgundy, 37 ells of linen cloth, and one remaining piece
and 25 ells and 2 other remaining pieces 7 pairs of plain bed linens, and 8 pairs of dressing linens,
unadorned; 34 large embroidered tablecloths for dining, new-- and 8
dozen small handtowels.
In addition, 36 large new tablecloths that Afetiez delivered, and six linen handtowels, new, and 24 old cloths;
Likewise 29 headcoverings [or veils]; 10 pairs of small gloves, and 3 pairs of deerskin gloves,
5 duelling daggers, 6 pair of leg protectors, new, one set of leggings, new; and 4 pair of leather shoes.
Likewise, 10 vairs, one camel-hair tiretaine and two striped clothes from Provins, very large, and two remaining from another striped one,
15 ells of black serge, 14 panels of grosvair, and one of miniver,
14 Tartar cloths, 2 camel-hair, 3 unadorned Boukhara fabrics,
and one handworked; 2 plain quilted hanging cloths,
2 coverlets to put on a bed, one square and one round, and 1 sheet that goes on the coverlet,
4 pair of unadorned spurs, 4 silk cushions, 2 whistles, 1 shaving basin, 2 beaver's testicles,
one serpent's tongue; a vial for balm: this was artfully worked.
Likewise, an embroidered coverlet of yellow sendal, and one black overcoat.
Likewise, this is from the armory: 2 pairs of new cuirasses, 8 unadorned reins, and one jaw brake,
8 pair of unadorned spurs, 11 new straps, 4 coats of armor, and 3 banners,
2 knives and 4 iron blades, 2 new axes, 2 horsebridle headpieces, and 1 girthstrap,
and one pair of thigh and leg protectors of iron; 1 helmet with
an iron neck protector, 1 gambeson,
a pair of white coverings [horse blankets], 1 small sleeveless gambeson, 2 white coverings of leather, a pair of chests ,
one large iron neck protector, and a leather trunk, and 2 pairs of
chests, 1 domed and the other flat.
And for the Chamber, 4 pairs of chests, and 2 encased candleholders; 4 trunks, 4 domed chests and 4 flat. And from the Pantry, 2 trunks, 1 domed and 1 flat,
Likewise one tent that the castellain of Chastel-Pelerin gave the count.
Likewise from the Cellar, 17 wooden barrels and 2 leather flasks, and 2 casks.
Likewise, from the Kitchen: 3 large copper pots and one small, 3 large cauldrons, and 3 small,
2 pans and 1 grill, 3 iron pans and 3 mortars, one small perforated pan and 2 small forks.
From the Stables: the large gray horse, and the horse that belonged to Jacque Vidaut;
and the large black palfrey; three pack animals and one ass who caught a fever.
The supply for the lodgings: from the cellar, 36 barrels of wine; from the larder, 50 sides of salted meat, and 195 chickens, and 1 sheep; and the graneries, 170 measures of wheat and 200 of barley.
The things for the Chapel; first, the chalice, a small cross where there is part of the True Cross,
the reliquary that the patriarchs gave the count, the missal and the breviary, an old chausible,
and alb, and rochet, and 2 suplices, and 1 amice; 1 altar cloth for the front [the frontal] and back [of the altar],
a stole and manipule, 5 linen cloths for the altar, one of which is held to the frontal altar cloth, 1 ivory box;
2 linen hand cloths, 2 small silver chains, the corporal and the monstrance, and the two decorated pyxes.
Likewise, a new chausible of golden cloth, and tunic, and dalmatic, and 2 new liturgical cloaks
all made of gold, and the altar cloths, front and back, 3 albs, 3 amice, 3 rochets, 2 suplices
all new, 2 stoles and 3 new manipules.
Likewise the old wardrobe first, a tunic and overcoat of camelin tiretiene trimmed with grosvair.
Likewise, a tunic and bright iridescent red corset trimmed with miniver.
Likewise, a tunic and overcoat, and brown tiretaine corset,
trimmed with miniver.
1 black serge mantel, with beaver, trimmed with miniver ⋅ A tunic and two overcoats and a red mantel with beaver,
trimmed with miniver ⋅ A corset of indigo fabric, trimmed with miniver ⋅ A large cape [houppelande/garde-corps],
trimmed with grey [squirrel] ⋅ An aquamarine overcoat trimmed with lynx ⋅ A tiretaine corset trimmed with grey [squirrel]
A small camelin corset trimmed with grosvair ⋅ Two tiretaine overcoats and 1 of them green, belted.
1 aquamarine corset, belted ⋅ One aquamarine ganache [large cape], belted ⋅ A tunic and overcoat, and a tiretaine
aquamarine corset, lined with green cendal ⋅ 1 camelin corset, lined with green cendal ⋅ A tunic and an overcoat and a mantel
of black camelin lined with vermeilin/red cendal ⋅ A tunic and an overcoat of indigo camelin, lined with black cendal.
These are the Count of Never's things that he had These things are in the hand of Robet; let it be known, first, 8 good enamels In the hand of Odet de Menat 1 golden pitcher and and golden cup with a covering, 2 containers of silver, Likewise, in the hand of Afetie, 40 silver saucers and 12 silver spoons. Likewise, from the hands of Robet, the cloth that was purchased in Troyes, that Simon Ysanbars bought, of which there are 10 pieces; In addition, 36 large new tablecloths that Afetiez delivered, and six linen handtowels, new, and 24 old cloths; Likewise, 10 vairs, one camel-hair tiretaine and two striped clothes from Provins, very large, and two remaining from another striped one, Likewise, an embroidered coverlet of yellow sendal, and one black overcoat. Likewise, this is from the armory: 2 pairs of new cuirasses, 8 unadorned reins, and one jaw brake, And for the Chamber, 4 pairs of chests, and 2 encased candleholders; 4 trunks, 4 domed chests and 4 flat. And from the Pantry, 2 trunks, 1 domed and 1 flat, Likewise one tent that the castellain of Chastel-Pelerin gave the count. Likewise from the Cellar, 17 wooden barrels and 2 leather flasks, and 2 casks. Likewise, from the Kitchen: 3 large copper pots and one small, 3 large cauldrons, and 3 small, From the Stables: the large gray horse, and the horse that belonged to Jacque Vidaut; The supply for the lodgings: from the cellar, 36 barrels of wine; from the larder, 50 sides of salted meat, and 195 chickens, and 1 sheep; and the graneries, 170 measures of wheat and 200 of barley. The things for the Chapel; first, the chalice, a small cross where there is part of the True Cross, Likewise the old wardrobe first, a tunic and overcoat of camelin tiretiene trimmed with grosvair. All of the old clothing mentioned above were given to the poor at the hospital of Acre and to the poorer religious houses. Roll 1B frontCe sont les chose lou conte de Neverz quil avoit au jor qu'il ala de vie a mort
Ces choses estoient en la main Robet et ⋅ cest a savoir premierement ⋅ viii boens emiaus ⋅
et ⋅ ii ⋅ saffirs et ⋅ i camahe ⋅ et xii ⋅ petiz eniaus dou Pui ⋅ ii ⋅ croisetes dor
une viez corroie dor a pelles ⋅ et i chapel dor a pierres et a pelles ⋅ De rechief une
corroie dor ⋅ ii bacins dargent a donner laigue ⋅ i henap dargent a pierres et a emaus,
que len cuidoit quil fust dor ⋅ Une cope d'argent doree cuvesclee ⋅ ii poz d'argent ⋅ ii petis henas
dargent a donner dragiée ⋅ i ⋅ orfroi a perles ⋅ et ⋅ ii ⋅ sanz perles ⋅ et iiii ⋅ cuillers dargent ⋅
?Par la main Odet le de Menat i ⋅ aiguier dor ⋅ et une cope cuvesclee dor ⋅ ii barriz dargent
i ⋅ pot dargent ⋅ i ⋅ aiguier dargent ⋅ xvii henas ⋅ dargent sanz pié
?Item par la main Afetie ⋅ xl escuelles dargent ⋅ et xii cuilliers d'argent
?It. ⋅ i ⋅ texu d'argent dore que Gararz livra qui estoit en larmeure
?It. par la main Robet ⋅ la toile qui fu achetee a Troies que Simons Ysanbars acheta, dont il i ot x pieces ⋅
⋅ x ⋅ pieces de toile de la toile la duchoise de Borgoinge ⋅ xxxvii ⋅ aunes de toile en un remenant
et xxv aunes en ii ⋅ autres remenanz ⋅ vii ⋅ paire de dras de lit nues ⋅ et ⋅ viii pairede dras linges
a vestir nues ⋅ xxxiiii grans napes ovrees a mangier nueves ⋅ et viii ⋅ xiinesde petites toailles a mains.
? De rechief ⋅ xxxvi granz napes nueuves que Afetiez livra ⋅ et vi toailles a mains nueves ⋅ et xxiiii napes viez
Item ⋅ xxix ⋅ cuevrechies ⋅ x ⋅ paire de petiz ganz ⋅ et ⋅ iii paire de ganz de cerf sangles
v ⋅ coutiaus ⋅ a tenchier ⋅ vi paier de chauces ⋅ nueves ⋅ unes hueses nueves ⋅ et iiii ⋅ paire de sollers ⋅
? It ⋅ x ⋅ verz et une tireteinne cameline ⋅ et ii raiez de Provins a maigniee ⋅ et ii remenanz dun autre roie
⋅ xv ⋅ aunes de saie noire ⋅ xiiii ⋅ pannes de gros vair et une de menu vair
⋅ xiiii ⋅ dras de atais ⋅ ii chameloz ⋅ iii boqueranz plainset i ovré ⋅ ii tapiz nues ovrez ⋅
⋅ ii ⋅ espreviers ⋅ a mettre sor lit ⋅ i ⋅ quarre et i ⋅ reont et ⋅ i drap qui remest de lesprevier ⋅
⋅ iiii paire despeons nueus ⋅ iiii quarriaus de soie ⋅ ii ⋅ sifflés ⋅ i bacin a rere ⋅ ii ⋅ coilles de bievre
une langue de serpent ⋅ une fiolete de baume ⋅ celle fu mise au euvre ⋅
Item ⋅ une coute pointe de cendel vermoill ⋅ et ⋅ i ⋅ ceurcot noir ⋅
? Item ⋅ cest de larmeure ⋅ ii ⋅ paires de cuiraces nueves ⋅ viii frains nues ⋅ et i mors de fain
viii ⋅ paire d'esperons nues ⋅ xi varengles nueuves ⋅ iiii cotes a armer et iii barnieres ⋅
⋅ ii ⋅ coutiaus ⋅ et iiii fers de glaive ⋅ ii ⋅ fracoires nueves ⋅ ii testieres a cheval et ⋅ i ⋅ piciere ⋅
et une paire de cuissiaus et de trumelieres de fer ⋅ i bacinnet a gorgiere de fer ⋅ i ⋅ ganbaison
unes couvertures blanches ⋅ i ⋅ petit ganbaison sanz manches ⋅ ii piaus blanches ⋅ une paire de coffres
une grant gorgiere de fer ⋅ une male de cur et ii ⋅ paire de bouges ⋅ i bahu et ⋅ i bast
et de la Chambre ⋅ iiii paies de coffres ⋅ et ii cofiniaus à chandoile ⋅ iiii males ⋅ et iiii bahuz
et iiii ⋅ baz ⋅ Et de la Peneterie ⋅ ii ⋅ males ⋅ i ⋅ bahu ⋅ et i bast ⋅
?Item ⋅ une tante que li chastelains de Chastiaupelerin dona le conte
?Item de la Botellerie ⋅ xvii barriz de fust ⋅ et ii bouz de cur et ii ⋅ seillons ⋅
? de la cuisine ⋅ iii ⋅ grans poz de cuivre, et i petit ⋅ iii granz chaudieres ⋅ et iii ⋅ petites
ii ⋅ paelles ⋅ et ⋅ i ⋅ greill ⋅ iii ⋅ paelles de fer ⋅ et iii mortiers une paellette perciee et ii forchietes ⋅
? De la Marechaucie ⋅ li granz chevax grilles ⋅ et li chevax qui fu monsegnor Jaque Vidaut
et li grant palefroiz noirs ⋅ iii ⋅ bestes mulaces et ⋅ i ⋅ mulet ⋅ et i asne qui aportoit laigue
? La garnison de lostel ⋅ ou celier ⋅ xxxvi botes de vin
ou lardier ⋅ L ⋅ lez de char salee ⋅ et ixxx xv gelines et ⋅ i ⋅ mouton
es geniers ⋅ viixx ⋅ x muis de froment ⋅ et ⋅ CC muis dorge
?Les chose de la chapelle ⋅ premidrement le calice ⋅ une croisete ou il a de la veraie croix
le Saintuaire que li patiarches dona le conte ⋅ le messe et le breviaire ⋅ une chasuble viez
et aube et roichet ⋅ et ⋅ ii sorpeliz ⋅ et i ⋅ amit ⋅ i ⋅ drap dautel devant et darriere
estole et fenoul ⋅ v ⋅ toalles dautel dont lune tient au drap de lautel ⋅ devant une boiste divoire
ii toalles a mains ⋅ ii ⋅ chainètes dargent ⋅ le corporal et lestui ⋅ et ii ⋅ custodes parees ⋅
? Item ⋅ une chasuble neuve de drap dor ⋅ et tunique et daumatique ⋅ et ii chapes neuves ⋅ tot
de drap dor ⋅ et le drap de lautel devant et darrière ⋅ iii aubes ⋅ iii amiz ⋅ iii ⋅ roichez ⋅ ii sorpeliz
tot nuef ⋅ ii estoles ⋅ et iii fenouz nues
?Item ⋅ cest la robe viez ⋅ premierement ⋅ un ⋅ serecot de tieteinne cameline forré de gros vair.
?Item ⋅ cote et corset desclarlate poonnace forre de menu vair
? Item ⋅ cote et serecot et corset de tireteinne brune forre de menu vair ⋅ i ⋅ mantel de saie noire
de bievre ⋅ forré de menu vair ⋅ une cote et ii ⋅ serecoz et mantel de saie de bievre roige
forre de menu vair ⋅ i ⋅ corset de drap imde forre de menu vair ⋅ une garnaiche de saie
forre de gris ⋅ i ⋅ serecot de pers forre de loc cevière ⋅ i ⋅ corset de tyreteinne forre de gris ⋅
i ⋅ petit corset de camelot forre de gros vair ⋅ ii ⋅ serecoz de tireteinne et i ⋅ de vert sangles ⋅
⋅ i ⋅ corset de pers sangles ⋅ une garnaiche de pers sangle ⋅ cote et serecot et corset de tireteinne
perse forre de cendel vert ⋅ i ⋅ corset de camelot forre de cendel ⋅ vertcote et serecot et mantel
de camelot noir forre de cendel vermeil ⋅ cote et serecot de camelot imde forre de cendel noir ⋅
Ce sont les chose lou conte de Neverz quil avoit au jor qu'il ala de vie a mort ? de la cuisine ⋅ iii ⋅ grans poz de cuivre, et i petit ⋅ iii granz chaudieres ⋅ et iii ⋅ petites ? De la Marechaucie ⋅ li granz chevax grilles ⋅ et li chevax qui fu monsegnor Jaque Vidaut ? La garnison de lostel ⋅ ou celier ⋅ xxxvi botes de vin ?Les chose de la chapelle ⋅ premidrement le calice ⋅ une croisete ou il a de la veraie croix ?Item ⋅ cest la robe viez ⋅ premierement ⋅ un ⋅ serecot de tieteinne cameline forré de gros vair. TranslationThese are the Count of Never's things that he had
the day he went from life to death.
These things are in the hand of Robet; let it be known, first, 8 good enamels
and 2 sapphire, and 1 cameo and 12 small rings from Pui 2 small golden crosses,
one old gold belt with pearls, and 1 golden chapel set with stones and pearls.
On top of this, a golden belt, 2 silver basins to hold water, 1 silver goblet set with stones and enamels,
which was believed to be of gold, One silver cup, gilded and with a covering, 2 silver pots, two small silver goblets to serve sweets?, 1 gold-work plate with pearls, and two without pearls, and 4 silver
In the hand of Odet de Menat 1 golden pitcher and and golden cup with a covering, 2 containers of silver,
1 silver pot, 1 silver pitcher, 17 silver goblets without feet.
Likewise, in the hand of Afetie, 40 silver saucers and 12 silver spoons.
Likewise, one gilded silver box that Garaz delivered, which
was in the armory.
Likewise, from the hands of Robet, the cloth that was purchased in Troyes, that Simon Ysanbars bought, of which there are 10 pieces;
10 pieces of linen cloth, from the linen cloth of the duchesses of Burgundy, 37 ells of linen cloth, and one remaining piece
and 25 ells and 2 other remaining pieces 7 pairs of plain bed linens, and 8 pairs of dressing linens,
unadorned; 34 large embroidered tablecloths for dining, new-- and 8
dozen small handtowels.
In addition, 36 large new tablecloths that Afetiez delivered, and six linen handtowels, new, and 24 old cloths;
Likewise 29 headcoverings [or veils]; 10 pairs of small gloves, and 3 pairs of deerskin gloves,
5 duelling daggers, 6 pair of leg protectors, new, one set of leggings, new; and 4 pair of leather shoes.
Likewise, 10 vairs, one camel-hair tiretaine and two striped clothes from Provins, very large, and two remaining from another striped one,
15 ells of black serge, 14 panels of grosvair, and one of miniver,
14 Tartar cloths, 2 camel-hair, 3 unadorned Boukhara fabrics,
and one handworked; 2 plain quilted hanging cloths,
2 coverlets to put on a bed, one square and one round, and 1 sheet that goes on the coverlet,
4 pair of unadorned spurs, 4 silk cushions, 2 whistles, 1 shaving basin, 2 beaver's testicles,
one serpent's tongue; a vial for balm: this was artfully worked.
Likewise, an embroidered coverlet of yellow sendal, and one black overcoat.
Likewise, this is from the armory: 2 pairs of new cuirasses, 8 unadorned reins, and one jaw brake,
8 pair of unadorned spurs, 11 new straps, 4 coats of armor, and 3 banners,
2 knives and 4 iron blades, 2 new axes, 2 horsebridle headpieces, and 1 girthstrap,
and one pair of thigh and leg protectors of iron; 1 helmet with
an iron neck protector, 1 gambeson,
a pair of white coverings [horse blankets], 1 small sleeveless gambeson, 2 white coverings of leather, a pair of chests ,
one large iron neck protector, and a leather trunk, and 2 pairs of
chests, 1 domed and the other flat.
And for the Chamber, 4 pairs of chests, and 2 encased candleholders; 4 trunks, 4 domed chests and 4 flat. And from the Pantry, 2 trunks, 1 domed and 1 flat,
Likewise one tent that the castellain of Chastel-Pelerin gave the count.
Likewise from the Cellar, 17 wooden barrels and 2 leather flasks, and 2 casks.
Likewise, from the Kitchen: 3 large copper pots and one small, 3 large cauldrons, and 3 small, 2 pans and 1 grill, 3 iron pans and 3 mortars, one small perforated pan and 2 small forks.
12. From the Stables: the large gray horse,
and the horse that belonged to Jacque Vidaut;
and the large black palfrey; three pack animals and
one ass who caught a fever.
13. The supply for the lodgings: from the cellar, 36
barrels of wine; from the larder, 50 sides of salted meat, and
195 chickens, and 1 sheep; and the graneries, 170
measures of wheat and 200 of barley.
14. The things for the Chapel; first,
the chalice, a small cross where there is part of the True Cross,
the reliquary that the patriarchs gave the count, the
missal and the breviary, an old chausible, and alb,
and rochet, and 2 suplices, and 1 amice; 1 altar cloth
for the front [the frontal] and back [of the altar], a stole and manipule, 5 linen cloths for the altar, one of which is held to the frontal altar cloth,
1 ivory box; 2 linen hand cloths, 2 small silver
chains, the corporal and the monstrance, and the two decorated
pyxes. Likewise, a new chausible of golden cloth,
and tunic, and dalmatic, and 2 new liturgical cloaks
all made of gold, and the altar cloths, front
and back, 3 albs, 3 amice, 3 rochets, 2 suplices
all new, 2 stoles and 3 new manipules.
15. Likewise the old wardrobe:
First, a tunic and overcoat of camelin twill
trimmed with grosvair.
Likewise, a tunic and bright iridescent red corset
trimmed with miniver.
Likewise, a tunic and overcoat, and brown twill corset,
trimmed with miniver.
1 black serge mantel, with beaver, trimmed with miniver.
A tunic and two overcoats and a red mantel with beaver, trimmed with miniver.
A corset of indigo fabric, trimmed with miniver.
A large cape [houppelande/garde-corps], trimmed with grey [squirrel]
A aquamarine overcoat trimmed with lynx
A quilted corset trimmed with grey [squirrel]
A small camelin corset trimmed with grosvair
Two twill overcoats and 1 of them green, belted.
1 aquamarine corset, belted.
One aquamarine ganache [large cape], belted.
A tunic and overcoat, and a blended-twill aquamarine corset,
lined with green taffeta.
1 camelin corset, lined with green taffeta.
A tunic and an overcoat and a mantel of black camelin
lined with vermeilin/red taffeta.
A tunic and an overcoat of indigo camelin, lined with
black taffeta.
4 formal doublets; 4 capes lined with taffeta,
and 5 vair linings.
All of the old clothing, mentioned above, were given to
the poor at the hospital of Acre, and to the poorer
religious houses.
These are the Count of Never's things that he had These things are in the hand of Robet; let it be known, first, 8 good enamels In the hand of Odet de Menat 1 golden pitcher and and golden cup with a covering, 2 containers of silver, Likewise, in the hand of Afetie, 40 silver saucers and 12 silver spoons. Likewise, from the hands of Robet, the cloth that was purchased in Troyes, that Simon Ysanbars bought, of which there are 10 pieces; In addition, 36 large new tablecloths that Afetiez delivered, and six linen handtowels, new, and 24 old cloths; Likewise, 10 vairs, one camel-hair tiretaine and two striped clothes from Provins, very large, and two remaining from another striped one, Likewise, an embroidered coverlet of yellow sendal, and one black overcoat. Likewise, this is from the armory: 2 pairs of new cuirasses, 8 unadorned reins, and one jaw brake, And for the Chamber, 4 pairs of chests, and 2 encased candleholders; 4 trunks, 4 domed chests and 4 flat. And from the Pantry, 2 trunks, 1 domed and 1 flat, Likewise one tent that the castellain of Chastel-Pelerin gave the count. Likewise from the Cellar, 17 wooden barrels and 2 leather flasks, and 2 casks. Likewise, from the Kitchen: 3 large copper pots and one small, 3 large cauldrons, and 3 small, 2 pans and 1 grill, 3 iron pans and 3 mortars, one small perforated pan and 2 small forks. 12. From the Stables: the large gray horse, 13. The supply for the lodgings: from the cellar, 36 14. The things for the Chapel; first, 15. Likewise the old wardrobe: First, a tunic and overcoat of camelin twill All of the old clothing, mentioned above, were given to |