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2 revisions
Wjhoward at Mar 07, 2017 11:13 PM


be hauled up by horses. 546 – [[Point Adams]] The work of prevention of sand drift was closed on the 16th. All the sands of the L. H. reservation were operated upon and most of the beach fronting the reservation. Three coils of barbed wire, for fencing out cattle from the reservation were sent to the station; also a grindstone for repairing tools. 565 – [[River Light]], Three-pile beacon The [[lantern]], parts of which were worn out, was replaced be a spare one, and the [[lantern]] was repaired at [[Portland]]. 564 – [[Shoalwater Bay]] The [[Keeper|keeper]] reports that the drifting sand is worse this year, than formerly. The plank road, from barn to light house

be hauled up by horses.
546 – Point Adams
The work of prevention of sand drift was closed on the 16th. All the sands of the L. H. reservation were operated upon and most of the beach fronting the reservation. Three coils of barbed wire, for fencing out cattle from the reservation were sent to the station; also a grindstone for repairing tools.
565 – River Light, Three-pile beacon
The lantern, parts of which were worn out, was replaced be a spare one, and the lantern was repaired at Portland.

564 – Shoalwater Bay
The keeper reports that the drifting sand is worse this year, than formerly. The plank road, from barn to light house