David Kimball  Diary, 1803-1804

David Kimball Diary, 1803-1804

A journal kept by noted Ipswich, Massachusetts minister David T. Kimball during his final year of studies at Harvard University and Harvard Divinity School, and a year of teaching at Phillips Academy. Rev. David Tenney Kimball (1782–1860) was a prominent abolitionist and Pastor of the First...

Phillips Family Papers

Phillips Family Papers

This collection compiles the legal documents, letters, books, and original works of several members of the Phillips family including Samuel Phillips (founder of Phillips Academy Andover) and his uncle John Phillips (founder of Phillips Exeter Academy). Items in the collections date 1647-1876...

Student Anti-Slavery Rebellion 1835

The anti-slavery sentiment that was rising in New England created a moral dilemma for the faculty when the students requested approval to establish an anti-slavery society in 1835. The students believed that the moral teachings they were receiving demanded that they show their support for the...

Student Letters

Student Letters

Letters home by students, 1819-1881 and 1934, as well as a student's journal about his time on campus, 1851-1852.

Student Organizations

Student Organizations

Meeting minutes, financial records, membership lists, libraries of student clubs. Thanks to Tam Gavenas, class of 2025, for scanning these in June 2023.