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3 revisions | MaryV at Sep 10, 2024 05:32 AM Pearson_ForensicDispute1773_08a right to exercise authority over his neighbor. I have only contended that the notion of equality in the strict sense had no foundation in nature; but as hap piness now the only end of action, so superiority in point of wisdom goodness &tc was in the nature of things a proper foundation of authority. And as nature has made a difference among creatures in these respect, so it was fit &proper , and agreeable to nature's law, that different degrees of authority in point of direction. of conduct should be exercised by them, & that this difference in some cases even among the human species was so important as rendered the exercise of authority justifiable, even without the consent of the governed. For this I have produced an example from fact, in the case of parents & children. All this you have implicity allowed. I now go on to say as a consequence from the same acknowledged a right to exercise authority over his neighbor. I have only contended that the notion of equality in the strict sense had no foundation in nature; but as hap piness now the only end of action, so superiority in point of wisdom goodness &tc was in the nature of things a proper foundation of authority. And as nature has made a difference among creatures in these respect, so it was fit &proper , and agreeable to nature's law, that different degrees of authority in point of direction. of conduct should be exercised by them, & that this difference in some cases even among the human species was so important as rendered the exercise of authority justifiable, even without the consent of the governed. For this I have produced an example from fact, in the case of parents & children. All this you have implicity allowed. I now go on to say as a consequence from the same acknowledged Pearson_ForensicDispute1773_08In right to exercise authority over his neighbor. I have only encountered that the motion of equality in the trial strict sense have no foundation in nature; but as high kings now the ruly end of action, we priority in point of wisdom goodnifs and, was in the nature of things a brother foundation of authority. And as nature has made a difference among creatures in there respect, so it was fit brother, and agreeable to nature's law, that different degreses of authority in point of direction. of conduct should be exercised by them if that this difference in some cases even among the human species was so ininheritent as rendered the exercise witheredwithout the consent of the goeverned. For this I have produced on example firm fact, in the case of parents and children. ALl this you have implicity allowed. I now go on to say as a consequency from the same acknowledged. In right to exercise authority over his neighbor. I have only encountered that the motion of equality in the trial strict sense have no foundation in nature; but as high kings now the ruly end of action, we priority in point of wisdom goodnifs and, was in the nature of things a brother foundation of authority. And as nature has made a difference among creatures in there respect, so it was fit brother, and agreeable to nature's law, that different degreses of authority in point of direction. of conduct should be exercised by them if that this difference in some cases even among the human species was so ininheritent as rendered the exercise witheredwithout the consent of the goeverned. For this I have produced on example firm fact, in the case of parents and children. ALl this you have implicity allowed. I now go on to say as a consequency from the same acknowledged. |