



Status: Complete

or too seriously recollect, that part of the sacred volume
which assures us that for [underline]every secret thing God will bring us
into judgment![end underline] and when we are tempted to do anything
which we should desist from if all the springs, motives and
circumstances attending were matter of notoriety, it might
have an happy affect, if we were solemly to ask ourselves, how
this action - purpose or inclination [cross out] ^will^ appear, in time
it's minutest circumstances, before the view of the Universe, which
- for that every sinful thought & action, word & inclina-
tion, unrepented of, will be the object of examination & ex-
posure most dreadfully publick, we cannot hesitate to believe
if we credit divine relelation.

Besides private & personal worship of th Deity
morning & evening Family worship is enjoined with command-
ing Authority: [underlined] I will pour out Fury upon the Heathen
& upon the Families that call not on any name, [end underline] saith the
LORD Almighty, or a passage of inspiration to this amount
your doubtless recollect: here you observe, Heathen and
worshipless families are placed in the same class - as being equa-
ly odious & exposed to the same punishment and a most dread-
ful punishment too! for what can be more dreadful than
the Fury of the LORD - of him who has at perfect command
[underlined] all powers of all Worlds! [end underline] And what can be so inexspressibly
awful as to have this Fury not dealt out in common measure,
but poured out in full draughts & that without mixture.

Heads of Families, my Son, have a great charge
upon them; they are cloathed with high authority
at the same time many Important duties are

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