Phillips Family Papers Box 2



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Season Strongest: "The things I greatly fear'd /saith Job/is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of, is come unto me." by this it appears, that Job always thought upon a change: There is no wind saith (the Proverb) which may not blow rain, if God so please, Riches have these wings, and take flight like an Eagle: now Faith minds this, and prepares for this; "The prudent man forseeth evil, and hideth himself"

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sean
Needs Review


Duties after fasting

First take heed of inward pride and resting in the performance: Spiritual pride is that worm that will breed in the best fruits of the spirit that poison which the Devil (that hellish spider) will suck out of the best flower in Gods Garden; and if he can but prevail over us to be self-concieted with our enlargements, or to trust to that Service we have done he hath what he looks for and deprives us of all the comfort of our humiliation: Labor therefore as much as we can to humble ourselves with a thorough view of our failings in the best of our performances; and of our enlargements, consider the fountain of them which is not any ability of our own, but the good Spirit of our God breathing where and when it listeth and [seting?] out our strait Hearts which otherwise would be utterly closed and shut up; let Christ have the glory of all our abilities who hath given us his grace but will not give his glory to another 2. Hold the strength we have got that day as much as we can keep we stil our interest and holy acquaintance which we have gotten with God and with the holy exercises of Religion unloose not the [bent?] of our care and affections against sin and for God It is a corruption of our nature and it is a policy of Satan to help it forward that (like some unwise warrior when they have gotten the day of their enemies) we grow full of presumption and security by

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sean
Needs Review


by which the enemy taketh advantage to recollect his forces and come upon us unlooked for gives us the foil if not the over throw we are too apt after a day of humiliation to fall into a kind of remissness as if then we had gotten the mastery whereas if Satan fly from us if Sin be weakened in us it is but for a Season and but in part and especially if we stand not upon our watch Satan will take occasion to return and Sin will receive in us.

3. Wait on God for return we must not presume that presently upon the work done God must grant our asking as hypocrites that could say we have fasted and thou hast not regarded us we may and must expect a gracious hearing upon our unfeigned humiliation All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall recieve but as for when & how we must wait patiently it is true faith secureth us of good success This is the confidence that we have in him That if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth us but faith neither prescribeth unto God how For who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord or being his counsellor hath taught him? nor yet doth it make hast Behold I laid in Zion for a foundation a stone a precious [come?] stone a precious corner stone a Sure foundation he that beleiveth shall not make hast Faith waits Gods liesure when he in his wisdom judgeth it most Seasonable as to time.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sean
Needs Review


Be moderate In the use of creatures I mean beware of excess; eat & drink for service, not barely for pleasure: Let not your Lord be a loser by his bounty to you, lose not a duty in a dinner. If you be given to appetites, take heed, give not your appetite all it craves; let not appetite but conscience be your measure: Eat not your souls into leanness, let not your table become your [?a?e], and that which is given you for your health, become your [de?ea?]. When you are at your meat, remember your worth, and let that limit you; be only as free in your food as may make you more fit for service: He that hath such a raid to run, such a warfare before him, must be "temperate in all things," or he may loose the goal, & the battle; not only drunkards, & gluttons, but even Christians, that are accounted sober, are more peccant this way, than they are ordinarily servicable of their spirits wou'd be more free, their service and be more lively, their worth wou'd be more

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sean
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easy, and their way more pleasant, if they were but more temerate. Christians, let this Scripture meet you at your tables, as well as else-where, " Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." Be moderate Phil: 4.5. Let your moderation be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Maintain such a tranquillity & serenity of mind, let all be quiet, & in such a due & eual compound, within you, that it may appear in your carriage without. Let thereby no noises, nor tumults, but as much as possible, let there be a constant silence & calm upon your spirit. Moderate your cares, moderate your fears, moderate your passions; say to your spirits when they begin to swell, as Christ to the wind and waters, "Peace, be still." get the command of all within you, and keep them under constant discipline; be careful for nothing, fear

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sean
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