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2 revisions
mamalita at Feb 13, 2023 08:00 PM


It would be an unheard of thing in school government if the most atrocious outrages should not meet with some sympathy. But in the case cited, it found little expression, and this fact indicates the general aboration of those who participated in-the A.S. sentiment. Their principal breach of law, was absence from room in study hours. For this some had indirect permission and some have no permission. The purpose of the absence was to attend a meeting in town for the organization of an A.S. Sociey to which organization they gave their names. Against this act there was no school law, and they reasoned that they might there perform the duties of citizens as they understood them.

It would be an unheard of
thing in school government if
the most atrocious outrages should
not meet with some sympathy.
But in the case cited, it found
little expression, and this fact
indicates the general aboration of
those who participated in-the A.S.
Their principal breach of law, was
absence from room in study hours.
For this some had indirect permission
and some have no permission.
The purpose of the absence was to
attend a meeting in town for
the organization of an A.S. Sociey
to which organization they gave
their names. Against this act
there was no school law, and they
reasoned that they might there
perform the duties of citizens as
they understood them.


It would be an unheard of thing in school government if the most atrocious outrages should not meet with some sympathy. But in the case cited, it found little expression, and this fact indicates the general aboration of those who participated in-the A.S. sentiment. Their principal breach of law, was absence from room in study hours. For this some had indirect permission and some have no permission. The purpose of the absence was to attend a meeting in town for the organization of an A.S. Sociey to which organization they gave their names. Against this act there was no school law, and they reasoned that they might there perform the duties of citizens as they understood them.

It would be an unheard of
thing in school government if
the most atrocious outrages should
not meet with some sympathy.
But in the case cited, it found
little expression, and this fact
indicates the general aboration of
those who participated in-the A.S.
Their principal breach of law, was
absence from room in study hours.
For this some had indirect permission
and some have no permission.
The purpose of the absence was to
attend a meeting in town for
the organization of an A.S. Sociey
to which organization they gave
their names. Against this act
there was no school law, and they
reasoned that they might there
perform the duties of citizens as
they understood them.