Faculty Report on Student Anti-Slavery Society 1835





and twenty two of the Junior class, presented a memorial to the Faculty, expressive of their drive to form in the Seminary, an Anti - Slavery - Society, auxiliary to the Americal Anti - Slavery Society. A constitution for the proposed Society, & a copy of the votes which were passed on the subject, accompanied the memorial. To this constitution four additional names were affixed. The students who forwarded these papers to the Faculty,being nearly one fourth part of the whole number, were generally influenced, as we have reason to believe, by a hearty sympathy for the suffering slaves, & by a conviction which they had in common with many pious men in our community, that the formation of such a society as they proposed would outsave

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the cause of hmanity & piety. In the memorial they reformed with marked disapprobation to the "sayinsg & doings of certain abolitionists," which they consider ^ed neither "wise" nor "prudent" nor "right," & which they characterized as "extravagant" & "violent." They informed the Faculty, that they intended "to do nothing which would interfere with a faithful prosecution of their studies." They "disclaimed all disrespect for the character or opinions of their Instructors." They "disclaimed any spirit of insubordination, & any intention or wish to disobey the Laws of the Seminary". Their purpose was, to proceed on Christian principles, & in a Christian manner, - aiming to promote the good of their suffering fellow - men. The Faculty, though approving these views & intentions of the students, as set forth in

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their memorial, & though desirous, as far as could be made consistant with the interest of the Seminary, to gratify their wishes, felt it ^to be a duty to make the following reply to their communications.

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To the students of the Seminary from whom communications were made to the Faculty on the 4th instant.

Gentlemen, The Faculty have given a serious attention to the subject brought before them by your memorial & other communications of the 4th instant.

We have not deemed it necessary or proper on this occasion, to inquire into the truth of any particular opinions, or the propriety of any particular measures, in relation to the subject of slavery. The only question which we have felt it our duty to consider is , whether such a society as you have contemplated, can with propriety be formed in this Seminary. After much inflection we have come to the conclusion, that it cannot; & that for the following reasons.

The foundation of such a society would in our views be inconcsistent with the principal business of students, as marked out by the [??] and Laws.

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20) For those who come here to prepare for the ministry, a great work is prescribed, - a work of immense importance, & of a peculiar nature. Experience as well as the nature of the case, has long since taught. The Faculty, that no society can be permitted to exist here, consistently with the accomplishment of this great work, except such as are purely literary or religious, & that in regard even to these, care must be taken that they benot multiplied beyond any moderate limits. The formation of an Anti Slavery Society would in our judgement not only be foreign to the whole range of duties required by the Laws, but would essentially interfere with them. The business of such a society would necessarily occupy time & attention, which students could not give to it, without being drawn aside more or less from the regular course of study. Of this we are already convinced by experience.

The influence of such a society would be specially inconsistant with the spirit of brotherly love & union. If such a society should be formed, it would immediately introduce a subject for frequent debate;

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