


Status: Complete

IN-LETTER 4884/1901 Aboriginal Protector Nthn. Div


Mission Station - in charge of the Police - and soon after taking
her departure, this child was seen by publican who expressed
a wish to have her, with the result that when she arrived
at the coast, she was sent all the way back to the hotel -
without of course my knowledge, authority, or consent. However
she only remained about a month with her new employers, and is
now safe at Yarrabah.

(10) J.C... a h.c. mother in the kanaka camp at Ayr, with three
h.c. children. The removal to the Mission Station of the half-castes
and all the true-blooded female children was authorised.
I learn that the mother was induced to leave the camp, and go
into service with her twelve month-old baby: the other two children
being sent to Yarrabah. "All the other aboriginals cleared
from the kanakas' camp when they heard of their projected removal.
A kanaka named "Albert" with whom the mother had been
living, was sentenced a few days ago to 3 mos. imprisonment fo[r]
supplying liquor to aboriginal gins".

(11) R..... (h.c.) 8 or 9 yrs. of age. In the employ of a publican
who has been convicted on one occasion of drunkenness and
obscene language, on another of the same weakness coupled with
disorderly conduct.

And so ad nauseam. It is to be regretted that the parents of
these half-castes cannot be traced and made to support them,
instead of their being a charge upon the State. If the fathers
of these half-castes knew that they would be called upon to
support their progeny, they would I think seek women of their
own colour to gratify their sensual cravings, and if children
were born they would be white and not the pie-bald specimens
we meet roaming about the country at present. I cannot conscientiously
blame the young aboriginal women allowing themselves
to get into trouble. I do not expect that in one, or even in two
generations, there can be instilled into them (excepting of
course those at the various Missions) all the moral virtues and
mental restraints that it has taken us ourselves something like
two thousand years to learn - not necessarily to possess - ever
since the Great Teacher spoke to the Magdalen whose coloured

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