


Status: Needs Review


landed from the Coast of Africa - A Dundee barque
came inside - In the afternoon made arrangements for a
Picnic tomorrow. Commdr went alongside French Man
of War, and was told Cholera was very bad at Rio.
An Officer belonging to the Avon, who had been left in
charge of the Swedish Brig., joined our mess. Fever on the
increase on shore, several fatal cases having occurred -
Most of the Officers and one half of the Ship's Company on
shore: weather very hot and unpleasant. Turned in early
after making arrangements for a Picnic next day.

October 18th At 5 got up and dressed, had breakfast -
and by seven, we were ashore where a carriage & horses
were waiting to take us to Beberba : we found the roads
very bad, the dry sand being very deep, so that we had often
to get out of our conveyances, as the poor horses could not drag
us on: we got to a house where the landlord was very extortionate
so we left without paying him anything; and went into the bush
and had our grub, grog and baccy on the grass, and got
nicely covered with black ants : when the sun got low we made
a start for Pernambuco, and got into town after walking
half the distance, the horses being done up.

October 19th Not much improved by our last days
amusements, got on board at 7 but not much inclined for
breakfast - At 11 the English and French Consuls came on
board with the Commdr. At noon the Brazilian Brig in
harbor fired a Royal salute. French Brig of war sailed.
Several of our men in limbo for fighting with some Brazy

October 20th At 5 all the Officers went ashore to play billiards
having Pridham and myself on board. 8.30 they returned
and at 9 we sat down to a capital supper given by
Pridham before leaving, (as expected) for England. Being

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