commenced work again. Our letters did not
leave till 9 this morning. The weather very hot
without a breath of wind. By 2 we had got all
in, and steam up, when it came on as thick as
mud in a wine glass, and it was four ere we
could have, coming to an anchor again at dusk.
February 27th. Away again at daylight. The
Admiral complaining of a bad leg. At noon
passed the Bisson a French Steamer: got on
shore two or three times but easily got her off
again. At 6.30 anchored.
February 28th weighed at daylight, and steamed
to Tilar where we anchored at 8.30 to take in
wood for fuel. Commenced loading the boats
at 9. Admiral a little better. Discharged the
Pilot and fired a gun for another one. By eleven
we had the wood on board and made another start
anchoring at 2 off Umita a strongly fortified place:
we did not remain there 10 minutes, and on leaving
had the Band up, and went down the River,
and at 6 PM ran ashore, and remained there
till 11 when we got her off. No Saturday night.
Sunday March 1st At Corrientes. At 6 weighed
and went down the River, anchoring at Corrientes
a little after 7. The weather extremely hot. At 10.30
went to Divisions, inspected decks, and performed
Divine Service. After dinner gave liberty to the men
till 8. In the afternoon invitations came off to
all the Officers for a Bal Masqué, and at 9
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