as a hatter from Delirium Tremens.
Several of the Officers went on shore.
March 11th Sent boat for the Commander.
In the forenoon Guy came off returning to
dine with the Admiral at 6. I was very sick
all night from eating fish, and woke very unwell
in the morning.
March 12th Vomiting away like fun with
an accompanyment of Diarrhoea, which I am
very sorry to say is much on the increase among
the Ship's Company. Old Ross and Guy still
on shore. In the evening had a game at Catch
the Ten, at which I had not played for many
years; and after a glass of grog and a pipe
turned in early.
March 13th At 7.45, the Cutter went ashore
for the Commander; and at 9 we went to
General Quarters, afterwards shifting jib boom
and Sundry other evolutions. In the afternoon
Commdr & some Officers went ashore. Every appearance
of rain from the Barometer falling so
March 14th At 2 am it rained heavily and
a squall with some lightning & thunder passed
over us. 7.45 Cutter went ashore for Commander
on his coming off he sent for one on the Quarter
relative to a note I had sent to him about our pantry
and said I was mad, in which I differed. In the
he and most of the Officers went on shore.
Sunday March 15th At Buenos Ayres. At
10 Christian came off & mustered by Open List
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