to relieve the Sick, in want of Medical assistance, the
Flag Ship being left with only the surgeon on board- At
noon blowing very hard, when the cutter was called away
and the Dr left much to my regret. At sunset a signal was
made from the Harrier but we could not make it out, and as
it was blowing so hard the cutter was obliged to remain on
board the Harrier for the night. I went very early to bed.
April 23rd Still no mail. The gale had broke tho it was yet
blowing hard, but the weather fine but very cold, therm 36°
at 7 am, showing the frequent changes that occur and
which accounts as a great measure for the sickness.
The weather very cold and miserable. Went very
soon to bed but not to sleep on account of the noise old Ross
was making in one of his drunken fits.
April 24th At 6 the smoke of a steamer was seen and
by 7, she was made out to be the Prince from Rio.
Sent a book for despatches. At 9.30 Commdr came
on board 10 went to General Quarters. 10.30 Commdr
went on shore to Admiral. Nothing new during the day.
April 25th 7 am Thermom 36°. Sent boat for orders
to Admiral: if a signal from Harrier that Wasp
was coming in: by ten we could make her out
at one we got the Mail and received letters from
Sissy and Mother with two papers. The Wasp put
15 days in Quarantine on account of the Fever at Monte Video.
A few miles below this city it has made its appearance
and there have been two fatal cases, no doubt it will
creep up to the town, fortunately it does not seem to
affect the shipping. In the evening wrote letters to
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