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2 revisions
Khufu at Mar 30, 2022 02:04 PM



March 22nd At 2 AM weighed and steamed for
Rio, woke very soon after with Ague and was in
bed all day in consequence. About 1 PM the men & Admiral
to inspect some Islands, after remaining about an
hour returned, when we again went on a head for Rio
arriving at 4.30, when we moored much in our old
position, and the Admiral dined, they all left at 7.
At midnight there was a fearful ringing of bells, &
firing of guns, I at first thought it to be another fire, forgetting
it was Easter Eve, a grand day in Rio: I could
hear the different bands playing. No Saturday night.

Easter Sunday March 23rd Rio de Janeiro - I never
slept till 4 and then only for two hours, getting up
feverish and seedy: they kept the row up, without
intermission till daylight. At 10 went to Divisions and
performed Divine Service: great demonstrastions on
shore, fireworks, High Mass & &c. In the afternoon Captn
Sawson of Ocean Monarch came on board with an
invitation to dinner, as he was going to give a
soiree, but I declined, not feeling very well: Commdr and
some other Officers went, and enjoyed themselves very
much, there was a little quarreling with some Yankee

March 24th A Signal after breakfast to send a
working party to assist the Ocean Monarch, expected
to be ready for Sea by Thursday, water Tank came alongside:
during the forenoon Captn Sawson again came on
board to ask me to dinner, but as I was engaged to dine
with Eversfield at Cobras, I had a very good excuse, not wishing
to go on board, after what had happened in the O. Monarch.
At 3 a Brazilian Steamer arrived from the Sward. At