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2 revisions
Khufu at Mar 30, 2022 02:20 PM



5 went to Cobras, where I met Mr Douglas V. Henderson
two passengers in the O. Monarch : had a quiet game at Crib
and went on board at 9 whent he boat came for me - Found
another Engineer had joined us from the Madagascar, and was
obliged to play another game at Crib, and after which having
had a smoke, was glad to turn in.

March 25th - At 8 a signal from Flag Ship to get steam up,
lighted fires immediately, and commenced unmooring -
Douglas V Henderson came to breakfast : 9.30 Commdr went on board
the Flag Ship to receive his orders - returned at 10 when we weighed
and steamed close past the Ocean Monarch, and went to Sea
for a cruize. After getting a good offing we let the fires burn
out and made all plain sail to a light air of wind and stood
off the land : in the afternoon it freshened and headed, slowing
from the point we wished to steer for: passed several vessels
running in: the evening very beautiful with a fine breeze.

March 26th A fine breeze from the Nward, still standing
off the land - At 11 turned the hands up to punishment
and gave G James AB 3 dozen for insolent and mutinous language.
I being the principal witness against him: he took them
very gingerly, and after it was over said that Mr Senon
and myself were the only Officers who were down upon him.
In the afternoon there was a fine fresh breeze, but deadened
towards night - it threatened to blow when we took in a
reef of foretopsail.

March 27th A Beautiful cool morning , but some symptoms
of the Polka Fever showing itself. At 8 , we were 56 miles
distant - from Cape Frio, which was dead to windward of
us. Passed a vessel running, Rio in the afternnon. At 8
tacked and stood out to Sea. Had chess and cards in the evening
and went to bed at 10.