Thursday 2 January 1896
Wind South, bare ground. Wellie drives
in here for pig feed and cheese. Beatrice
and I go home with Wellie on jumper,
found Renbe McFaden there eating dinner
while waiting for Wellie to come and cut
his hair. Eveline washing and not
expecting visitors. Nor was Hubert expecting
company but cried bitterly because Beatrice
had come till his eyes were red & swollen "Afraid
of girls" he says. Some day he'll not be
afraid of girls, more the pity. Weather growing
colder. Ed at a well stoning bee at Nesbits.
Bamford Sr came down towards night.
I intended to return home but stayed
all night. Will & Charley at W Jr's in the
evening. Lazzy Bates came home after dark.
Friday 3rd Jan 1896
Stayed to Wellies till after dinner
then Wellie brought Bee and I home
again on jumper. Cold and Wind
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