Tuesday 7th January 1896
as cold or colder than yesterday
turning black whiskers and earlocks
to a snowy white with frost.
Seeing is surely believing and therefore
we must believe that Uncle Sam Woodman
is threshing with the 10 horse power this
cold day. Clouds gathering for a
storm. A fine snow falling sifting
down like meal. Voltie & Wellie gone
threshing for Uncle Sam mittened and
muffled for and Arctic winter storm.
Another new milk cow this morning.
A cold time for calves. Indoors all
is warmth and pleasantness. Our work
is getting the meals, washing dishes,
baking bread, setting buckwheat cakes,
knitting. Maud and Beatrice transfering
pictures on transparent paper
from the Spencerman drawing book
Voltie goes for the mail, a letter from Harry
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