


Status: Page Status Indexed

Tuesday 14 January 1896
Arose early. Breakfast by candle
light. Wells Sr gone to the Ferry
for coal. gone all day brought
home sugar, onions, coal, raisons.
Maud went to school this morning.
Went with Wells as far as the
school house. Spent the fore noon
writing letters. Wrote to Mrs Lindley &
Watson. After noon worked in pasture.
Frank down here running nets
for fish. Welly and Ed up here
awhile. Welly & Voltie sawing wood
for night. A clear fair day
growing colder freezing.

Wednesday 15 January
A fair winter day. Ed Bates here
helping set sturgeon nets.
Wells Sr drove with Maude to school
went to OBrien's came home and drove
to J Niles with a bag of coal we have
been owing him for a year. W sold

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