Friday 17th January 1896
A fair winter day,
snow not deep any where. Charlie Woodman
here at the black smith shop.
Charlie W & Will Dixon help Voltie
butcher beef. I churn and make
butter prints for market (8 prints). We dress
8 turkeys for market and get
every thing ready for tomorrow's
market: my back so lame can scarcely
walk. Sleep on lounge.
Saturday 18 Jan 1896
A very fair day. Volty,
Grace and Will Dixon gone to the
city on O'Brien's bobsleigh and return
after dark bringing Nellie Guy with
them. Maud & I work like split all
day doing Saturday work, pantry & dining
room scrubed, swept, made beds, cooked
and by the time they arrived from the
city had everything
in shining order, parlor, sitting
room, dining room, bedrooms, and
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