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Thursday 21 Sept 1897
The same old thing
get out at four am. Arthur catches tons
and Grace loads in more baskets than
usual. A basket of butter for us and one for
Eveline, a basket of crab apples for Mabel G,
a basket of apples for Nellie Grey and Arthur going
home to visit for the day carying [sic] a small basket of
apples and nuts to his little sister Florrie.
Maud drives them to the dock. Afterward
Maud and I milk cows in stable.
I scratch around and get a little wood
to start fire when Will and Charlie
come over & Will chops wood enough
to last all day. Maud feeds hogs and
I send Maud to Jen's for fruit strainer
and to Aunt Ruths for vinegar and
make 10 bottle of tomato catsup. Maud
milked all the cows at evening. Will
came over and fixed the strap to harness
and drove to dock for Grace and her things.
Grace today paid in office Kirk and
Rod $106 dollars $7,40 cts to Rathbun
Co 10 to McDowel. sold the butter 11
pounds on Market, bought all her own groceries
& other things sold Eveline butter and bought more
groceries and things. bought all Jens. Hubert
called on Nellie went up to G's ate her
and super on the Pierpont. Shell & Jen then
went up to day. Shell says she (Shell) is very
proud Oh my

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