


Status: Indexed


Friday 22 Sept 1894
A very fine day. Grace
goes to Evelines to make mustard
pickles carrying all kinds of spices,
onions and vinegar. Hubert & Muriel
came up for their groceries, sugar, tea
& spices. After a while Muriel came
back for Maud to go with her to Sam's
for vinegar but they had none for
her and were sorry for Aunt Ruth had
let me have all they had to spare so
I sent them up to Mrs Niles but she
has none. A very good outlook
three great orchards Niles, Bamfords and
Woodmans, and barrels of cider made from
the three orchards every fall and not vinegar
enough among the trio to make pickles.
I suppose the barrels leaked at the tap.
Oh well cider is more proffitable [sic: profitable] than
vinegar, cant drink vinegar very well and
cider slips down very easily.
Well I told Muriel
if they could not get any from Rube, Grace
and Eveline may have the vinegar I am keeping
for cucumber catchup. Arthur brings in 6 eggs
which makes over 10 dozen laid down
for winter. I make pumkin pies and use two
eggs for pies. I wrote a letter to V and one to Sr.
Evening mail Whig, Family Herrald, two from England, News of the World
and comic, a letter from Voltie, one from Bob, postal from

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