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[Page has faded making many words illegible, these will be indicated with a #]

Saturday 23
Wind north and cool but a very pleasant day. After
breakfast Arthur hitches up Bess and
Grace drives to Rubes for vinegar and
then to Evelines to finish making mustard pickles.
I send Maud and Arthur for hickory nuts
and grapes, down by the cedars and I do
up the dishes, # milk, churning &c. I
look out the kitchen window—and a
cow in here making straight for the orchard.
I drive her out, dog gone after nuts too
soon take another peep out; cows all in
the road, and then go on Niles' meadows. I cant
go for them. When Willie came back from driving grain
to dock, stops and drives them off their meadow then
up the road they go; some one dogs them back to
the # then Samy dogs chase them down the
road then I go for Arthur and Arthur and
Prince dog them home again and I continue down
to the nut trees. A fine harvest of nuts if only gathered.
Arthur comes home to feed all the hogs, but couldnt
Maud gets dinner. M make a discovery, that Grace
in our abscence [sic: absence] has been home and carried off our
three 1 gallon crocks. Arthur and Maud were still #
had been here till they furthermore discovered a small bag of #
and a lot of geranium cuttings for flower pots soon after #
comes home bringing the three jars filled with beans and #
off the grapes and puts them in layers with sugar & pickles and a
[remainder illegible]

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