


Status: Indexed

Saturday 18 December

18 Didn't rise early as usual.
First outsider came.
Charley Woodman to sample
our cider and after drinking
a qt, V went with him to the
Loban place to do the chores
and feed his hogs. Next came
Alice Mackey. V put her horse
in stable. She staid till 8 pm,
next came Walac Niles sampling
our grape wine. Maud went to
church a congregation of 6 people.

Monday 19 December

19. Wind South East and
snowing 2 deg above below
zero. V working in shop. Sr
patching some old harness or
some thing else in kitchen with
alls and clomps and leather,
he always patches old duds
in the house on stormy days.

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