Saturday 4th March 1905
A snowy blustering morning wind
North. Voltie dont go to Kingston
nor any where else. roads are again
drifted full, clears off at noon
but the wind blows. Charley Woodman
here to have his hair cut and brings
an invitation for V & M to attend
a party at A Berries. Voltie drove
over for Maud, she relates all
about the party and her visit to addas.
We read till 11 pm. Roseveldt's [sic]
inauguration day.
Sunday 5 March 1905
Cloudy again to day. Wind North,
an awful depth of snow on the ground.
1/2 past 11 am and no visitors, we like
a quiet sabath. I have just finished
reading "The Light of Asia" by
Sir Edwin Arnold a masterpiece of
the mind. I wish I could get his
biography. Maud asleep on the lounge.
Voltie at the shop. Wells Sr paring
potatoes for dinner. The day passed quietly,
no visitors. I write a letter to Grace
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