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sent for strawberry plants 28 eggs
and also wrote to Ed Bates to look
out for plants. Saturday 29 Apr 190 rainy all day.

Sunday 30 April 1905
A cool day, ground very wet,
floating cloud. Wind S.W. Charley
Woodman here. I gave him a
pumkin [sic] pie for his dinner, he borrowed
V's buggy to drive to the villiage
for Miss Eva Pike, his fiancee.
V sent Sam a bottle of wine.
I suppose it never left his mouth
till the bottle was empty. Henderson
came after a while, he looks as
though he wanted a drink of cider
but he will go empty. Well dinner
is past and dishes washed & nearly
1/2 past 4 p.m. Sr reading Dispatch.
V reading Herald. Maud reading.
I'm going to write to Amanda but I
dont want to.

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