Friday 4 send to Park for Flower seeds.
time which we had at 1/2 past 11 am.
I ask Tom "what will I get for
dinner and he replies "Any old
thing will do for me this is Friday
dont yer know!! I make a big
pan full of nice biscuits and
he filled his anatomy with them
(and syrup) if any old thing would do.
After dinner he dresses up and goes
to Woodmans and rides up with
the mail- going to the dance at the
villiage dont yer know. In vain
we look and watch for Voltie. Maud
beginning to fear he may not come
at all. I try to reasure her of the certainty
of his coming. At last Sr goes out
to the stable and hitches up old
Bess ready to start for Voltie when behold
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