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Maud and I washed quite big washing,
grows cloudy again. Shell came for Maud
to go skating and stay till after tea and from
there to P.O. where she got our mail and went
back home with Shell and then went skating
till 8 p.m. Jay Joy here in evening setting
out in kitchen no one talking to him. I went
out gave him an apple from groceries apple bag.
After awhile he went home. Poor little Jay is terrible
homely, marked after one of the "fools"
Evening mail News, Whig, American Woman,
Brown book, two letters from Hugh Birch
& McKelvey and Massey Harris co.
About 8 1/2 Voltie comes accompanied by
a cousin who I had never before seen.
A Mr Charles Dixon from Detroit a fine
good looking loquacious man, we sat
up till 11 pm. and spun all kinds
of yarns, ancient, past and present.
Voltie was thoughtful in bringing home
a good supply of eatables, bread,
cookies, cake, cheese, pickles, flour,
rice, broom, borax, currants, raisons, tea, rolled oats, peppers,
cinnamon, extracts &c. The wind blows
and snows when we go to bed.

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