Saturday 13th December 1902
A cold blustering snow storm from the
North, increasing in velocity as the day
advances. But no matter what the day is
there is always so much to be done both in
door and and out. I awoke this morning
to find I had left the pan of bread sponge
behind the kitchen stove to freeze up but I
brought it in to the dining room, thawed
it out and made very good bread of it. I
doctored Maud's cookies with more flour and
another egg. And they are tolerable. After dinner
Frank came up and helped Voltie butcher two pigs
which V is going to sell to Marshall & Guernsey on
Hickory. I churned and picked the lard. Tis a
cold stormy day. Frank says Dave has gone up to
cut wood for R. River steaming; vapor rising up
mile high, our apples and potatoes freeze in
the cellar last night.
Tuesday 17 March 1903
Rained hard all night not
a drop caught in tub because it was
not set and I want to wash bed
quilt. Grandad sending two letters
one to Capt Denis and one to his
young woman, "Miss" Adams in
Montana Great falls. I told
continued on 34
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