


Status: Indexed

letter to Grace. When V came he went to the p.o
mail a Sears & Roebuck. Storm so hard couldn't
saw wood this afternoon. The worst storm of all.
I am sorry for mail carriers this day: Johny &
Charlie Woodman too. Maude got tooth ache
in p.m.

Wednesday 27 January 1904
A beautiful day not cold. Sr says this is a
weather breeder. Voltie went to the post office this morning.
Mail Dispatch, Whig, Womans farm Journal, a letter from
Turnock and from the Northwestern Agriculturist, a few
lines from Grace relating to selling Gaskins & Agnew
potatoes and fresh eggs. Drew two loads of wood from
Island which makes 10 loads mostly soft wood.
Oh yes and Maud received a letter from Amanda
and she wants to marry. Poor Amanda some "feller"
will come along and pick her up some day.
Mrs Sher Mcays boy drove in here to invite Voltie
to a choping wood bee for his mother. We put a quilt
on the frames the log cabin.

Thursday 28 January 1904
Cloud morning looks like snow.
Voltie and Sr draw a load of wood from Island then
after dinner V goes in cutter to Alice Michea's wood
[illegible] Snub Woodman drives in here to get Rachels address

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