Friday 26 March 1909
Dear Marjorie. Ground covered with 3 inches
of snow this morning, dreary dismal outlook.
I never have been to Mary Woodman's but dreamed
I went there, drove there in buggy. V went with
me. How very beautiful everything was as we drove
along the road, trees, flowers, singing birds and
I so free from all care. Wind west and
cold, an open spot in the ice above the
house. Ray went across to the U.S.A. this
morning. V working in the shop
Letter from Grace & the herald.
Saturday 27th March 1909
Very good day. Frank Woodman here
speaking through the telephone about his
enjine [sic: engine]. V working on boat. Maud made
cake, bread, baked beans. I pieced on quilt.
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