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Sunday 28 March 1909
A fine warm day quiet. Maud went
to Rachels. Sr reads all day. V goes over
to R's to see if she has any wood. I
read and get the meals and wash dishes
etc. Tomatoes coming up.

Monday 29 March 1909
A very fine day sowed more tomato seeds.
Frank W gone to Kingston this morning
crosssing to town very poor crossing with only one horse.
Rachel came over this morning before breakfast
brought me some magazines. Maud popping
corn this am. I ought to write a
lot of letters to Grace, Belle, Will & Watson
and others. Sat up late reading. Maud
not very well. V working in shop at
day after chopping wood for R. R
wants to keep bees. Dora Bates's baby
sick had Dr for him.

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