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Tuesday 30 March 1909
Cloudy warm day 40 deg in shade.
Maude got head ache and lain down.
V working in shop all day. Sr tinkering
old aggate wash dish trying to solder
it "Simple Simon" or old Josiah Allen
which? We are boiling sap on the stove
and I get the meals and piece on
quilt, sow few flower seeds, water and
count the tomatoes plants, 53 new ones just
came up out the ground. No mail to night
except one letter for V telling him the berry baskets are
at Corbett's.

Tuesday 31st & last day of March
A clear bright & warm, snow most all
gone; boiling more spa on the stove. Maud
washing. V working shop, he went down to Franks
to see how the new drill works. Guernsey & Wm Gillespie
eating dinner at Frank Woodmans.

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