Will and Charley here awhile. Wells and Will
fixed Will's fence. Grace went home with Jill and
she and Welly cut Eddy Bate's hair I picked corn
for dinner and made cake & biscuits and
Evaline washed dishes while I finished my
letter to Victor. Welly cut Johny's hair. Jen came
up in evening and I went home with her
and we went out with lantern and picked
apples from the old miles tree (sweet) to cook in
sugar. Will had gone down to Smiths to
borrow his buggy to drive to the Ferry in the
morning. Welly, Evaline, Johny, and Grace went
to prayer meeting. In the evening I studied
the History of England awhile and went
to bed
10 Monday
A fine day. Wind south west
Will couldn't get Smiths carriage but went
early and borrowed John Nile's. Smith
had lent his to Pelton picture man
from Watertown. Jen came early this morning.
Welly and Johny went to Horn's to thresh.
Hiram Joslin drove here for Welly. I picked
beans and corn for dinner. Grace and Evaline
ironing and sewing on Johny shirt.
Wells went to O'Brien's to help fix the buggy
and stayed till eleven O'clock.
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