Jen came up with butter and eggs for Grace
to carry to market tomorrow
Welly came home in afternoon for his
papers he forgot when he went away and
said he was going straight back again
to go to Watertown to get Bill's money
from Normandes. he went to Sam's and
helped them finish threshing. Johnny
came first and watered horses and
then took the team and went to Jim's
for ice. I worked over butter and made
butter prints long after dark. Sylvia &
Evaline came home with Welly and
stayed the evening Marjorie and
Maud carrying on all evening
Wells came home half past twelve
Wind south changing to west at
I forgot to send Victor's letter to post
Wells saw Norman Petrie, Martin Smith,
Charley Clinton, Mattie Smith and Charles girl in town.
13 Thursday
A very fine day Wind South west
rather cool. Rose very early so
Grace could go to dock. Maud came
in to day for passengers. John went to
fair and so is Grace and Bell
Bill Smith made us a long call and
said Welly neednt go to Watertown
for the money for Normander had sent it
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