Wednesday July 12
wind south clouding
up early in morning. rains all forenoon.
Lib finishes Graces dress and mangles
the clothes. Wellie and Mart build wire
fence around Wellie's house. After
supper Grace, Harry and Mart go over
to F. H. Dodges to get the $33 dollars. Welly
sent Cape Vincent order for Dodge said
he had a hard time to get it.
Watson very sorry he couldn't go
to make Wellie a visit on account
of rain
Rec'd from Voltie 20 dollars for mills
Thursday July 13
rather muddy this morning
after yesterday's rain. Mr & Mrs Watson,
Harry, Maud & Grace walk to dock and
carry by hand their gripsack's and bags.
Mart drove in for them but found they
were gone before he got back from factory.
Wellie drew a load of cheese to the dock this
morning. Wellie and Mart drew hay to
this barn and gathered a good load out of
this yard. hived a swarm of bees. Wellie
cant get much help about haying. To day I
do just as I have a mind to. no one looking
to me for a square meal though my [illegible]
pile had got so low the meals were [illegible]
[margin] the shore
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