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July 14 Friday 1893
Very warm day not much wind
but South. Grace rowed boat down
to Wellie's. I went Wellies, stayed all
day. Grace and Maud went raspberrying
from Wellies. Wellie, Mart and Will drawing
hay and stacking. Eveline rowed me
home. Muriel and Hubert came too.
found Maud and Grace been home
long time. Jill Niles came and went
to post ofice with Grace. Nearly dark
when E and children went home in boat

July 15 Saturday some what
cloudy Wind south, blowing fresh,
barometer falling. very warm.
Wellie and Mart (and I think Will)
drawing and stacking hay down by
wellie's. Grace, Maud and I alone.
Grace cleaned floors. I washed windows
and dishes, Maud done little work too.
Maude and I fed hogs and
pulled pig weeds for the
pigs George Williams and Will help
[illegible]he draw & stack hay drew stone
[illegible]nd here I paid G a dollar

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