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July 17 Monday Forenoon
Cloudy slight rain. Grace went
berrying, clear hot P.M. I preserved
the raspberries. Wellie George Williams
helped Will stack his hay.
Mart mowed hay with machine.
Flora and Ethel came home with
Grace to visit Maude. Grace and
Maud and I went over to
Will towards eve to fix the honey
supperbut staid till dark, going
to rain, hurried home before it
rains but shower worked around to soak

July 18 Tuesday a fine day no
rain. Grace washed. Wellie George Williams, Will Dixon & Mart haying
towards night. Will and Goodfeller came over with honey super [superstructure]
and put them on the hive, one
super most full now. Grace
and Maud went over to Wills at
noon to carry the suppers [superstructures] for
Will to fix

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