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Dec 28 Wednesday 9 Jan 1895
A lovely day, sun shining brightly
on the bright frozen snow and the
ice covered branches of the trees reflect the rays
of the sun with the brilliance of diamonds
and gems of every hue and color.
The winter landscape is truly beautiful.
Grace making herself a dress, color- red.
Bamford coping the house all day. Mart
choring around and skating as usual.
Voltie working in shop. Maud doing as
she pleases. Evening V and Mr JN & GN went
to Wells Jr to play poker. After 10 O'clock
Dec 29
when returned. Saw Mart's ghost
this evening at bed time. Though it was
Mart all right in in the flesh. Mart says
it was not him he, but Marting lies.
Martin is a liar anyway. E Joslin burried to day.

Thursday 10 Jan 1896
A cold morning. Wind NE and begins
snowing about 9 AM and now falling
fast. Did intend going to W Jrs for a days
visit but too stormy. Welly came up after
breakfast on the ice (skating). Bamford
mending horse lines where they had
been fastened together by cutting a sht

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