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Monday 14 Jan 1890
A stormy day snowing and blowing
all day to day & all last night drifting into
cattle and horses stay in stables. Mr
Woodman's driving their cattle through
the blinding storm to the river to water.
Will D has no coal for their stove.
Would like to have grandmother
over if she could get here. Grace sewing
a quilt. I sew and cut carpet rags.
Tuesday 15 Jan 1895
A stormy
day snowing and blowing. Very
doubtful if OBrien goes for the
mail. Ought to write a letter but
not get time, cannot wash no
soap. Voltie went in evening to
Mr Niles for tobaco. Mart folowed [sic] him
under pretence of going to post office.
OBrien drove down on ice with mail
(or Soban) J OBrien gone to a weding.
Miss Dee married to a Brown.
Snowed all day; cold medium.
Morgan's boys at J Niles; played cards
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