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came home or not. Dont think
O'brien can go for the mail to day.
Mart & V carried water to the horses and
the cows out only long time enough to drink.
Wells oiling harness in Kitchen and
Mart & Voltie studying Arithmetic
all day. No one here to day,
milder towards evening, but freezing

Wednesday 14th Feb 1894
A beautiful fine day just cold enough to freeze
a little. Wellington drove to Kingston.
Wellie came up and brought the
chair tidy. Welllie got two sturgeon
from the nets & Wellie and Voltie are
going to Kingston tomorrow
with hay if it is a fine day. Wells Sr
finished oiling the harness and
Maud went out and got stuck in
a snow bank. Voltie and Mart
drew 4 loads of hay from the stack.
Then Mart went down to help Wellie
saw wood. Voltie went to the lecture
2/2 of 1/8 = 1/6 anent courtship & marriage
delivered by Rev Mr White
Methodist church

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