



Status: Indexed


Spaff Joy is making maple sugar.
Wellie came up and brought Graces
clothes bars Ed Bates had made. A lecture
from Rev White this evening at the church up
courtship and marriage. Voltie, Grace & Mart
went. Ed B came and went too but soon
returned for no lecturer was there though there
were many that came out through the mud.

Wednesday 7th March 1894
Day by day
the fields grow more bare and mudy.
Last night the wind blew a gale from the S
and the rain fell in torrents. The weather
appeared a little colder this morning but
proved to be only a hope that it might be colder.
Wellie, Mart and Voltie getting out ice and
filling the ice house. I am not very well.
Grace is ironing. Wellie went to Mr Niles
to buy a few apples and Mr Niles gave
him a bag full. Wellie gave me some,
cloudy weather. I go asleep while writing
this diary. Ebe Joslin got in ice
all over out in the channel while
from the Island home.

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