Status: Indexed
blowing some channel open ice floating.
Wallace Niles came down for Mart to go
to Sam's barn to play tag with Frank.
Grace yet abed. Voltie reading Harpers
Magazine. A little colder at evening time.
Voltie gone to Wells to see the family
and so ends another Sabath day.
I read Talmages last sermon and
scottish legends. Wells made a fire
in the coal stove.
Monday 12 March
a bright clear morning, West wind, cool not
cold, ground bare of snow, river
channel open, ice clear from
oposite [sic] shore, spring birds singing. Will going
out to day canvassing for apple trees and
other shrubery. Our men folks again
shingling the roof. North side.
at 10 Oclock. Robert Percey came across
the ice and river in a boat; came for Wells
something again about the Lidy place
more trouble I supose [sic]. Wells going to
Watertown. We'll see, shall not trouble
myself about it either way. I'm through
and done worrying about the Bamfords
business talent capabiilties
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