Thursday Dec 10th
Almond Joslin here to dinner.
Will came over and helped put up
the stove pipe.
Friday 11 December 1896
A fine day. Arose at four a.m.,
routed the family, got breakfast
early and V gets on the road at
half past six a.m. enroute for Kingston
with the cattle which he sold Burnside Wednesday.
Welling & Perley & Percy Gillespie also drive cattle
and they all go in company to Marysville.
Devers wanted the boys to drive his cattle but
"got left". Maud quite sick with tonsilitis
quinsey. School teacher came after school to make a
visit. Jim Morgan came for his tea. Frank here too
in evening. V came after dark.
Saturday 12 December 1896
A warm day, very fine
for December. Maude better to
day. Grace scoured pantry floor with
brush, made cookies. I worked all day
except showing Alice the mistery [sic] of lace
knitting. Jim Morgan rowed down with a skiff
for his basket of groceries and V helped him carry
the basket to the river. V plowed in afternoon.
Uncle Samy plowing with 2 teams all day.
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