Friday 4 Sept 1876
A beautiful cool day
after the heavy rain storm of yesterday. Maud
at school and learning very well: going to
keep her at school every day when the weather
is fine. Our work to day is preserving pears,
churning and general house work.
Plenty of work to be done those days in doors
and out. Orchard loaded with apples to
be gathered and the finest of them stowed
way in the cellar in barrels, some made in
cider & many dried besides giving
to our numerous friends. And there are
potatoes corn and turnips to harvest, pumpkins
to dry, sweet corn to dry &c &c &c. Mail. a letter for Harry
and the Whig. V goes over to Mr Dignam's to
get Herb to help dig potatoes tomorrow. Vitsitors
Jess Reid here this evening for leads and
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