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Jaune Morgan here likes night playing pedro
until 10, ate his supper here
& helps with drinking jug of cider.
Saturday 24 Oct 1896
In morning quite nice
then clouds up & rains
a little. Wind West after
noon quite pleasant,
great squalls of wind.
Aunt Rachel stayed until
after breakfast. Voltie gets
home from dance 4 a.m.
arise at 6. Grace gets up
5.30, builds fire, gets the
breakfast then milks. Voltie
shoeing horses most of day.
G churns, bakes bread &
does all Saturdays work.
Sunday 26 Oct 1896
Wind still West quite
pleasant out. We did not
arise vary [sic] early, after breakfast
V goes to the marsh.
F Woodman & E.W. arrive here
all day smoking setting in
the way. Miriam gone home
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