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Thursday 5th November 1896
Arose at 4 Oclock a.m. Raining
fast. Voltie & Grace milked the
cows. Ma tied the turkeys and chicks
and put them in basket, then print up
the butter for market. Thought they
never get started, cant find any thing.
V's neck tie missing, cant be found,
had to look and hunt around for socks.
V taking his new clothes back. Too small.
Found coat and vest in the clothes
press and pants hanging on a nail
in mothers bedroom. Had to look
around for whiffletrees, load a grist
to put on the waggon, eat breakfast finally
at 6 Oclock, got under way through
rain and mud. Will drove over.
When Will drove team back, said they
just arrived in time for the boat.
A rainy nasty day. Half sick all day pain
in back, but work all day like jehu. Maud home
from school and helped me work. Maud brought
water and I clean floors. Supper waiting when

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